Models – Foundations of Models, To Model, and Modelling

Overview | Lecturers

Models are a central instrument in many scientific disciplines and engineering such as computer science and business informatics. They are utilised for different purposes and in different functions depending on the specific utilisation scenario. Science and engineering have developed their own understanding of the notion of the model, their own approaches to model, and their specific understanding of modelling. The design and development of systems is one of the major application areas of models. Others are, for instance, documentation, simulation, problem solving, quality and property checks of systems, and prognosis. Models are verified against other models and validated against reality or augmented reality. A large variety of modelling approaches for many different utilisation scenario has been developed so far.

The tutorial covers questions based on application examples such as:
What is a model? What are typical application scenario and use spectra for models? What is the intuition behind modelling? Which paradigms, postulates, assumptions are taken for granted whenever models are used?
What kind of tasks and problems are solved by utilisation of models?


Bernhard Thalheim Bernhard Thalheim is a German computer scientist and Professor of Information Systems Engineering at the University of Kiel and has received a number of awards for his achievements in information systems engineering. In 2008 Thalheim received the Peter P. Chen Award of Elsevier for Entity–relationship model research, is the founder of the German Chapter of DAMA, international Vice-Chair of the steering committee of the FoIKS conferences, Member of steering committees of conferences, e.g. ER, ADBIS, ASM, NLDB Editor of Data and Knowledge Engineering and other journals, and member of the advisory board of Dataport.